Problems: Hair Loss and Baldness at an Early Age
- An unbalanced diet is a major factor in hair reduction and thinning among youngsters between 20 and 30’s .
- A stressed lifestyle and lack of sleep also influence hair loss and thinning, sometimes bald patches on the scalp.
- Excessive use of chemically formulated modern hair care products also affects the quality of hair in the long run.
- Reduced intake of multivitamins, nutritious also induces the reduction of hair and early graying of hair.
- Intake of medications for other conditions that directly or indirectly affect hair health.
- Avoiding the use of oil for hair creates dryness and itching in the scalp leads to hair-related problems.

Solution: Neelambari Adivasi Herbal Hair Oil
One Stop Solution to all Your Hair Problems
- Rich source of antioxidants increases the production of melanin in the scalp that protects the rood and hair from infections.
- Traditionally prepare hair oil with 108 ayurvedic herbs to make this oil natural and authentic.
- Increasing the secretion of flavonoids thickens the hair root rejuvenates the new hair growth and maintains smooth and silky hair.
- Boosts collagen levels circulation of blood into hair roots keeps hair healthy and reduces premature aging of roots.
- Limits sebum secretion, natural dandruff-causing agent, and helps to maintain dandruff-free hair.
- Body temperature is maintained which helps in reducing stress.
Sri Neelambari Adivasi Hair Oil Ingredients
- Kasthuri: Extracted from Musk deer used as a natural fragrance that stimulates hair growth and rejuvenates new hair strands.
- Bhrami Leaves: A rich source of vitamin C that strengthens the hair root and reduces hair fall.
- Menthya: Strength’s hair strands, protects the scalp from dandruff, and limits the secretion of sebum.
- Lavancha: Maintains hair temperature a natural coolant that helps to protect hair from extreme hot and cold calamities. Also protects from inflammations and redness.
- Aloe Vera: Rich in amino fatty acids and vitamins A, C, and E protects the scalp and thickens the hair making hair feel smooth and silky.
- Amla: Rich in vitamin C that stimulates collagen levels and helps for circulation of blood into the scalp resulting in fast and new hair root growth.
- Bhringraj: Antioxidant property protects air from external infections and premature greying of hair.
- Shikkai: Eliminates dirt from the scalp and helps with hair growth.
Prevent Baldness & Hair Loss in 3 to 30 Days

3-7 Days - Prevents Baldness & Hair Loss
Removes toxic chemicals from the roots of the hair, strengthens hair & reduces hair fall.

12-20 Days - Stops Premature Graying
Kesha ranjana and rasayana properties help control hair fall and add natural shine and gloss.

2-3 Months - Long, Strong and Lustrous Hair
Regular use helps improve volume, and suppleness, gives natural shine and makes your hair longer and stronger.

5-12 Days - Reduces Dandruff
Nourishes Scalp, improves pH level and blood circulation, thereby preventing dandruff.

20-30 Days - Facilitate Hair Growth
Cleansed roots & nourished scalp facilitate new hair growth, add volume and give natural shine.
Prevent Baldness & Hair Loss in 3 to 30 Days

3-7 Days - Prevents Baldness & Hair Loss
lubricates the hair roots, removes darts and other chemicals from the root

5-12 Days - Reduces Dandruff
Nourishes Scalp, improves pH level and blood circulation, thereby preventing dandruff.

12-20 Days - Stops Premature Graying
Controls natural sebum production and nourishes the scalp thereby eliminating dandruff.

20-30 Days - Facilitate Hair Growth
Can see a visible reduction in hair fall and stimulate blood circulation in the scalp.

2-3 Months - Long, Strong and Lustrous Hair
Visible regrowth of new hair roots, increased thickness of existing hair, smooth and shiny hair without split ends.
before and after using Adivasi Hair oil